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MUSE Community Highlights

AI, AI, Oh!

Rachel Wilkes, Director of Corporate Brand and Lead Generation Marketing, MEDITECH
Alex Brinkert, BSN, RN, MPH, Senior Research Analyst Marketing, MEDITECH

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more popular in healthcare, and we hear how MEDITECH highlighted AI initiatives at the recent HIMSS conference. Rachel shares the details of their keynote presentation and customers’ successes. Learn how ancillary departments are using the search and summarization tools, and about some of the favorite use cases for this Google integration. We discuss the infrastructure and prerequisites that are required for this solution.

Alex shares more specific considerations for sites to start an AI journey, especially true use cases for AI such as documentation support for both nursing and providers via ambient listening.

MEDITECH is taking a responsible approach to AI integration with the goal of supporting providers and users.

And know that MEDITECH will offer numerous related presentations at the upcoming 2024 MUSE Inspire Conference.

Show notes:

Rachel Wilkes
Rachel Wilkes
Alex Brinkert
Alex Brinkert

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