Clinical Advisory Group JAM Session

When:  Sep 29, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (ET)

The MUSE Clinical Advisory Group provides a forum for MEDITECH clinical analysts and nursing informaticists to facilitate networking opportunities, collaborate on common initiatives and solve challenges. The group will also provide input and feedback to MUSE to help grow and support the MUSE mission and purpose.

Members of the MUSE Clinical Advisory Group will contribute by attending and actively participating in the quarterly roundtable sessions, responding to group email discussions, and in general by providing feedback upon request. The success of the group will depend upon the contributions by each of its members.  


  • Quarterly roundtable virtual meetings with peers
  • Networking
  • Help provide input for future MUSE events


  • Review the group’s purpose
  • Rotating facilitator
  • Top priorities for the next 12 months
    • What is on everyone’s “to do list”?
  •  Discussion Topics
    • Expanse 2.2 tips & tricks
    • Web Nursing
    • Web Ambulatory
    • Handheld devices. What is working and what is not?
    • Priority Packs – who is taking what and when?
      • How do sites manage them?
    • Open Discussion
    • Call for future topics from attendees