The webinar will demonstrate what a Change Manager can do to support the successful acceptance and implementation of your next project.
The late 1990’s brought about Project Management as a more formalized way of ensuring project success. While project management focusses on the plan and tasks to complete a new idea or initiative, the success of that initiative is dependent upon people accepting the change the project brings about for how they think and do their work. In the early days the project team would take on this role or the project would include a communications person, an education coordinator or some other ‘soft skills’ person. A more formalized skillset has been identified and the role of the Change Manager has emerged.
Come and learn more about Change Management and what a Change Manager can do to support the successful acceptance and implementation of your next project.
Corey Tillyer is a Registered Nurse who has spent most of her career developing and supporting health informatics initiatives within a large health authority in British Columbia, Canada. With a passion for health care and information technology, Corey joined the faculty at the BC Institute of Technology, teaching Digital Health Ecosystems. Corey has a Change Manager Certification along with a Masters in Health Leadership.
“I am very excited to share my passion of all things digital in health care with you with a focus on the importance of Change Management in digital health initiatives. Early on in my career I could see how computer science could help enhance quality care of our patients, clients and residents but struggled to support the clinicians and physicians accepting the clinical process changes information technology can bring to their practice. As an ex-MUSE board member, I was fortunate enough to sit as MUSE Chair twice and fulfilled the role of Lead Nurse Planner. I am absolutely thrilled I can share my many years of ‘in the trenches’ experience with you with a focus on Change Management.”