MUSE Micro Learning Videos

This innovative program delivers short, focused videos designed to inspire new ideas, expanding the traditional educational system.  These videos are each several minutes and cover a variety of topics appealing to the range of specialties within the MUSE membership.

Featured MUSE Micro Learning

The New Rules of Engagement – How Hospitals Can Compete in the Age of Mobile Healthcare

Presenter: Cody Strate 
Organization: Access 
Video length: 1:27 minute

For more than a century, hospitals have relied on geographic proximity to attract patients. But the rise of mobile healthcare is about to disrupt this long-standing model.  Cody explains this critical convergence and its importance.

Implementing Quality Standards for Alcohol Use Disorder in a Mental Health Care Facility

Presenter: Sandy Allen
Organization: Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, Whitby, Ontario
Video length: 3:36 minutes

This presentation discusses how the statements from the Quality Standards for Problematic Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorder can be implemented by using the various functionalities of the MEDITECH Expanse EMR and how to monitor adherence to the principles of the quality standard. 

For more on this topic, you can see Sandy's full presentation here.

Hepatitis C – Extending Care to an Underserved Rural Community

Presenter: Linda Williams, Kingman Regional Medical Center
Video length: 4:22 minutes

This presentation discusses the unique opportunities and challenges faced in an underserved rural Arizona community to identify and treat Hepatitis C. Also covered is the utilization of Collaborative Practice Agreements with Pharmacists to bridge care between community providers and distant hepatologists.

For more on this topic, you can see Linda's full presentation here.

Genomics in Expanse

Presenter: Jennifer Ford, MEDITECH
Video length: 3:46 minutes

Genomics is a science that ebbs into every corner of healthcare from Cardiology to Endocrinology, Rare Diseases, Pediatrics, Oncology and many more. It is important to leverage genetic information to get the right treatment for the patient based on their genetic makeup. This has been proven to improve outcomes, quality of life for the patient as well as cutting costs by getting it right the first time. This session will review the immense reach of MEDITECH’s new Genomics solution and how it can drive better outcomes for patients and healthcare systems alike.

For more on this topic, you can see Jennifer's full presentation here.

Keeping Score: Using Surveillance to Implement Scoring Systems

Presenter: Chris Neumann, Valley Health System, Ridgewood, New Jersey
Video length: 4:06 minutes

Scoring systems have become an important tool when trying to predict changes in a patient’s condition. Recently Valley used surveillance to implement an automated version of the John’s Hopkins fall risk assessment tool (JHFRAT), eliminating the manual entry by the staff. This session will outline the steps needed to build a scoring system using the surveillance module in MEDITECH. Using both the JHFRAT and Modified Early Warning System (MEWS) scoring systems to show the capabilities or surveillance and what will be needed to implement these systems.

For more on this topic, you can see Chris's full presentation here.

MEDITECH Expanse WebED Implementation, Featuring WebED Tracker Surveillance/Alerts

Presenter: Kristen Springer, CalvertHealth Medical Center, Prince Frederick, Maryland
Video length: 2.30 minutes

Learn how we are utilizing MEDITECH Web EXPANSE in the Emergency Department at CalvertHealth Medical Center. Not only will you see the new access areas, but we will also explain why we selected certain settings. We will review the display buttons and the documentation updates, and show the Web Tracker layout which includes intuitive alerts and innovative surveillance profiles that we utilize every day to keep our patients safe. Lastly, lessons learned, and valuable tips and tricks will be discussed.

For more on this topic, you can see Kristen's full presentation here

Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides

Presenter: Jessica Scheer, Halifax Health, Daytona Beach, Florida
Video length: 5.15 minutes

Healthcare organizations have been attesting to Meaningful Use and Promoting Interoperability (PI) for several years. Intended as a self-performed risk assessment of the safety of processes, policies, procedures, and system configurations, SAFER Guides help healthcare organizations identify areas of weakness and optimize the safe use of EHRs in protecting their patients’ health information. This presentation reviews the history of PI, introduces the nine SAFER Guides and Recommended Practices, shows how to navigate and implement the SAFER Guides, and details the resources available to help your healthcare organization perform this risk assessment.

For more on this topic, you can see Jessica's full presentation here.

Bed Management Desktop - Expanse Tips & Tricks

Presenter: Angela Clark, Catawba Valley Medical Center

Bed Management Desktop has become a staple in our environment at Catawba Valley Medical Center. It provides real-time bed availability and requests while eliminating multiple phone calls and paper versions of bed availability. Expanse provides items that are more user-friendly and allows patient list format for more customization. There are opportunities for improvement, but  we feel this module assists with patient flow from ED or OR to inpatient through discharge.

For more on this topic, you can see Angela’s full presentation here

MEDITECH Expanse - MaaS Implementation Experience

Presenter: Brenda Sexson, Boone Health, Columbia, Missouri

Learn about how Boone Health implemented MEDITECH Expanse MaaS (MEDITECH as a Service) while they were transitioning away from a health care system to be an independent organization. Topics to be discussed include Boone’s journey to independence, complexity of the overall project, Expanse MaaS implementation experience and lessons learned.

For more on this topic, you can see Brenda's full presentation here

Medicare Wellness Visits

Presenter: Dr. Deborah Harrigan, Frisbie Memorial Hospital

Synopsis: Annual Wellness Visits hold potential for an organization’s financial optimization. Creating a process that can be added on to a routine follow-up visit with ease both meets the required elements of the Annual Wellness Visit and maximizes efficiency. This video discusses some of the adaptations to the system that produce an elegant, efficient model, utilizing as little paper as possible while giving patients comprehensive care.

The Ultimate Patient Experience

Presenter: Beverly Sanders, St. Joseph’s/Chandler Health System

Synopsis: What do patients need and want to improve their experience in the hospital? St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System discovered that patients want a healthcare experience matching their retail experience - a digital front door to make everything more convenient. The search for this technology in healthcare was tedious, but led to a solution revolutionizing patient interaction. This video introduces the concept of better patient interactions.

Expanse: Projects within the Project - Access and Conversions

Presenter: Karrie Ingram, Citizens Memorial Hospital

Synopsis: Implementing Expanse has been a positive move forward for Citizens Memorial Healthcare, but it did bring some lessons learned. This video provides an overview of a couple of the projects the team would have done differently.

For more on this topic, you can see Karrie’s full presentation here.

Digital Security through Collaboration

Presenter: Sam Fielding, Horizon Health Network

Synopsis: Developing sustainable controls and activities to strengthen digital security can be executed in collaboration with partner organizations if a clear strategy is in place. This video outlines the digital security strategic pillars, the journey to enhance a culture of accountability and responsibility, and provide insights into some challenges along the way.

SNOMED CT in Practice

Presenter: Monica Jones, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

Synopsis: This video delivers the real-life experience of how using SNOMED CT has impacted the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust. It offers some insight on the processes and challenges as well as sharing lessons learned for wider service implications.

For more on this topic, you can see Monica’s full presentation here.

Making Project Management Work in a Clinical Setting

Presenter: Becky Blevins, Ephraim McDowell Health

Synopsis: Project management principals need some modifications to work in a clinical setting, because there are some key differences in clinical customers and conventional customers. The role of a project manager must also be adapted to successfully facilitate meetings, build relationships and teams in the clinical environment. This video showcases the PM role in a clinical environment.

A Charge is Born … Clinicians and Revenue Cycle Teams Working Together

Presenter: Betsey O’Brien, Beth Israel Deaconess

Synopsis: Merging of clinical and revenue cycle teams ensures revenue optimization throughout the conversion process. But, it takes a village to implement this program. This video introduces the project of combining three charge masters into one brand new charge master during the implementation of one Expanse system.

For more on this topic, you can see Betsey’s full presentation here.

Smart Pump EHR Integration

Presenter: Astrid Cook, The Saratoga Hospital

Synopsis: When technology is embraced, it can result in big benefits for patient safety, and time savings for staff. Integrating smart pumps with MEDITECH has definitely accomplished both at The Saratoga Hospital. This video features the highlights of the project from a pharmacy perspective.

Securing the Modern Healthcare Organization

Presenter: Justin Armstrong, MEDITECH

Synopsis: How can you and your organization keep pace with the rapid transformation of healthcare while providing an appropriate level of security? Security should not be an obstacle to progress. This video provides some insight into the relationships between patient safety, organizational performance and digital security.

Volunteering with MUSE

Presenter: Carole Weinstein, The Valley Hospital

Synopsis: How do you become involved with MUSE? Many opportunities are available, from presenting, to serving on committees, all the way to organizational leadership. This video offers some insider advice on how to begin volunteering and the benefits associated with contributing your time and experiences.

MEDITECH Client Server to Expanse, Streamlining ED Charge Capture

Presenter: Modessa Neyens, Avera McKennan Hospital

Synopsis: This video discusses Avera McKennan Hospital’s path to the standardization of technical and procedural level charges with the EDM module in MEDITECH Expanse. The content focuses on the identified gaps and discrepancies among facilities and how a multidisciplinary approach was used to minimize financial impacts.

The CIO Collaboration

Presenter: Carl Smith, King’s Daughters Medical Center

Synopsis: The Mississippi MEDITECH CIO Collaborative started in June 2017. What began as a simple email group between five hospitals soon turned into a quarterly meeting where we gather to discuss common issues shared between our facilities. This video provides some tips to develop similar groups, as well as some information about the group.

Strengthening Quality Strategy – A Path to Success

Presenter: Jodi Frei, Northwestern Medical Center

Synopsis: How does technology fit within your Quality & Safety Strategy? It has great potential to improve patient safety, achieve high reliability, and optimize outcomes. It can draw patients in and engage them in their healthcare decisions. This video discusses how culture influences the interconnectedness and interdependencies of people, process and technology.


Presenter: Leah Farina, MEDITECH

Synopsis: Leah Farina shares some details in this video about installations and new programs at MEDITECH, including the Expanse web user interface.